redefining church community.

join us sundays at 10:30am.

Jesus didn’t spend his time with perfect people, and neither do we.

we don’t pretend we have it all figured out or shy away from the hard questions. that’s why our faith community is named “edges.” it’s a place for all of us — believers, seekers, doubters, and skeptics alike — to explore what matters most.

bring your questions, your dreams, and your wildest hopes about God.

it’s all welcome here. questions are encouraged and spiritual truth is found together. our collaborative, community-oriented model of worship invites the Holy Spirit to speak through each of us.

welcome to edges!

join us for our lenten worship opportunities:

maundy thursday

join us thursday, april 17 at 7 p.m. at edges for our maundy thursday service, where we remember the night Jesus gathered with his disciples, washed their feet, and shared bread and wine. located at 706 harding ave., blacksburg, va 24060

good friday

join us friday, april 18 at 7 p.m. at church st. for our good friday service— where we endure the silence and solemnity of Jesus’ crucifixion and meditate on Jesus' last words from the cross in community. located at 111 church st. se, blacksburg, va 24060

easter sunrise

join us sunday, april 20 at 6:15 a.m. at the town golf course for our easter sunrise service. with a beautiful overlook of the town, this reverent and unique worship opportunity is one all of our early risers shouldn't miss! located at 800 graves ave., blacksburg, va 24060

easter worship

join us sunday, april 20 at 10:30 a.m. at edges for our easter worship service— twhere we celebrate the miraculous resurrection and life of Jesus Christ three days after his death and burial! located at 706 harding ave., blacksburg, va 24060

see all of our upcoming events →

download the edges app!

it’s the best way to get plugged into the edges community. the app is available on apple, android, amazon, & roku devices. watch the livestream, participate in the live chat, give to edges, read the bible, watch current and past sermons, and much more.

  • "i would say those who find a home at edges seek to worship without judgment, crave a deeper relationship with God and their community, and are not afraid to ask hard questions."

    -brian g.

  • "edges is an amazing community of people — wise and thoughtful preaching, love the conversation model, the music is incredible. thankful for an inclusive, welcoming space in blacksburg."

    -cassidy j.

  • "we are passionate about asking questions that matter and experiential worship and great music. we are passionate about helping people to find a home at edges…a home for their doubts, their questions."

    -sarah s.

  • "edges has helped me recognize the loving God all around me, through worship, conversation, service and true community."

    -luke w.

  • "what do i love about edges? just our style in general, how the pastor is helped by the theo team, allowing different ideas/thoughts to come from organic conversations, the music and how it always perfectly matches the message..."

    -jackie g.

our current sermon series:

march 9 - april 13

for the 40 days of lent, we remember Jesus’ time in the desert and spend time in deep reflection and self-examination. in worship, we will recall the journey of our biblical ancestors— from abraham, jacob, moses, and david all the way to Jesus, we consider what being descendants of this human history means for us today.

not all who wander are lost