redefining church community.
join us sundays at 10:30am.
Jesus didn’t spend his time with perfect people, and neither do we.
we don’t pretend we have it all figured out or shy away from the hard questions. that’s why our faith community is named “edges.” it’s a place for all of us — believers, seekers, doubters, and skeptics alike — to explore what matters most.
bring your questions, your dreams, and your wildest hopes about God.
it’s all welcome here. questions are encouraged and spiritual truth is found together. our collaborative, community-oriented model of worship invites the Holy Spirit to speak through each of us.
welcome to edges!
here'‘s what you need to know coming up:
rise against hunger
we are partnering with the church st. campus for a rise against hunger event on february 1, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. our goal is $6,600 raised and 100 volunteers. rsvp to join us and make an impact here!
to our house
each winter, we help support a thermal shelter for the unhoused community in the nrv. we need your help to host and feed these beloved neighbors this year from feb. 22 to mar. 7. please sign up to volunteer here!
see all of our upcoming events →
download the edges app!
it’s the best way to get plugged into the edges community. the app is available on apple, android, amazon, & roku devices. watch the livestream, participate in the live chat, give to edges, read the bible, watch current and past sermons, and much more.
our current sermon series:
the work of the people:
january 12-19
building and sustaining a faith community is truly the work of the people. the Holy Spirit works through all of us, which means that we all have an important part to play. join us as we begin 2025 with our new sermon series, the work of the people: belonging.